Monday, December 16, 2013

Steps Away....

Hello friends!  It has been a while, but life is super busy.  And we have a feeling that our life is just, steps away from being incredibly busy!

Four years ago, on December 17, 2009, I looked down to see "PREGNANT" on a pregnancy test.  A miracle! 

Three years ago, December 25, 2010, we had our first Christmas as a family of three.  A miracle!

Two years ago, December 14, 2011, Laik finally had some teeth!  (felt like a miracle!)

One year ago, December 2012, Laik saying "Dada and Mama"  (again, felt like a miracle!)

December 2013:  Get looks to be another Christmas miracle....Laik is taking steps, balancing, and moving forward!

Prayers are being answered and life is good!

One step at a prayer at a time. We can't imagine a December without our little miracle!

"while you journey through life in His presence, His glory brightens the world around you." 

To God be the Glory!

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