Don't worry, Mrs. Leffew isn't going anywhere! Oh wait... that was probably confusing, so I'll start over! I'm Alyson. I'm a rising Junior at GPS, and I work with Mrs. Leffew in the summer. This is my second year working with her, yet today is the first time that I met the famous Laik Leffew. When I told Mrs. L that information this morning, she was really shocked. Coincidentally, I brought my mom's camera to summer camp to take pictures of our adorable campers, and when I found myself in Laik's group, I started taking some pictures of him to show his mama. When she saw me taking pictures, she asked me to write a blog post about my first day with Laik! So that is the short version of why I am here on the Living Leffew blog. I'm here to talk about my first day with Laik... here goes nothing! (My first ever blog post!)
A Boy and His Puppy |
Kelby and Laik in Dance |
Laik: Rubik Cube Champ! |
Laik flew down the hallway towards the camp counselors on his green puppy to start out the morning. It was pretty fitting since that's how he got around all day! Kelby and I had some difficulties getting him up and down steps, but Laik was always smiling, and the puppy wasn't that heavy, so it wasn't too difficult of a task! I was going to take pictures all day, so Kelby and I traveled with the youngest group of Kaleidoscope campers to let Laik have some morning fun! We went to Morning Mash-up, Dance, Art, and Science.
Scooting Away from Art |
Laik isn't impressed. |
Laik really liked dance. The girls were playing freeze dance, and he laughed and clapped the whole time. But when the music stopped, he would always make a noise or start laughing... I don't think he liked it when the music stopped! Kelby and I tried to show him how to solve a Rubik's Cube too!
Laik wasn't a big fan of art though. Kelby made him a name tag, but Laik wasn't too impressed with it. So we put it in his bag to give to mama!
Ewww! Not Carrots! |
Eating with Laik was pretty interesting! During snack time, Kelby tried to give Laik carrots. He didn't really like those. However, Laik got really excited about the mac and cheese that he got to eat during lunch. (I mean, who doesn't love mac and cheese!) Just like me, Laik never sits still. He kept playing peek-a-boo with Kelby, and pointing and saying 'Hi' and 'Bye!' to everyone that walked past our table.
I Spy Laik! |
As a matter of fact, 'Bye' seems to be Laik's favorite word! I think he said it at least a couple hundred times today. It always made me laugh though, because he would usually scoot away after he said it. But he would come back just a few seconds later!
Puppy Power |
After lunch, Laik followed Kelby, Mrs. L, and I back to the summer camp office. He started with a nice roll down the hill on the front lawn. He stopped about halfway across the front lawn to watch all of the campers walk back to where they were meeting. It surprised me to see him have sudden bursts of peace... like I said before, he is always moving! But, it didn't take long to have him pushing his puppy back to the camp office.
Reunited with Mama! |
Mrs. Leffew's new office has a gated balcony, so Laik was able to scoot around as much as he wanted! Mrs. L had to leave for a few minutes to do some business, and Laik kept looking for his 'mama' (I think this might be his second favorite word! I know it's one of mine!) She finally came back out onto the balcony and watched him, and he seemed so excited. You can't see his face in this picture, but you can sure see the excitement in hers!
Get Me Outta Here! |
Laik kept scooting around for a bit, but got a little sad that his door to the balcony was closed after a while. Kelby and I started to entertain him with funny noises, which he quickly started repeating. (Sorry about that Mrs. Leffew!) We also tried to get him to watch a movie on his iPad, but he kept tossing aside the iPad so that he explore with his puppy in the hallway.
Tired Boy |
Laik is a HUGE bundle of energy, and this is coming from a pretty energetic person. I don't really know how he has so much energy. He is constantly moving, asking for his mama, and laughing. I heard him scooting around on his puppy for hours today!
I had to go across the hall to help someone organize boxes of t-shirts right after lunch.. At about 1:45, I realized that I didn't hear Laik in the hall anymore. I went to go talk to Mrs. L, and she told me that he went to take a nap. Just like that, the unstoppable ball of energy was out.... for now. I actually went back into her office after pick up time and he was sitting on the desk, talking, laughing, and in just as high spirits as when I left him earlier in the afternoon!
My first day with Laik was pretty crazy. I can't imagine a kid with as much pep as him! I also can't imagine many kids with the will-power to push themselves around on a puppy every day! He sure is a ball of energy, but I think he gets that from his mom. Or maybe she is putting Advocare Sparks in his juice cup every day.... (it honestly wouldn't surprise me!) I'm glad that I'll get to see Laik more over the summer, as he'll be here on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. I know I won't get to follow him and take pictures every time, but I know I'll smile when I hear the wheels of his puppy flying down the hallway. Hopefully, I'll get to watch him walk up a flight of stairs, and maybe I'll even get to see him eat a whole carrot. Who knows?! But there is one thing I know for sure: this summer with Laik Leffew will sure have some nice surprises!
Thank you for letting me share my first experience with Laik on your blog Mrs. Leffew! And to everyone else, hopefully I'll get to share another story with you soon! But for now.....
Bye! -Alyson :) |